Stepping Stones
Nigeria and Global Link; Stepping Stones Nigeria is a child?s rights charity
POetry Competition. Spark those Creative Juices!
that protects and transforms the lives of thousands of children in the Niger
Delta, Nigeria, whilst Global Link works to engage and educate young people in
UK on how to achieve a just and sustainable world.
This year we
are launching a young writer?s poetry contest until July 2012 as part of our
program of activities marking the 400th anniversary of the Pendle Witch Trials
and to highlight modern-day Witch Hunts still occurring in the world. This
young writer?s competition is a novel and interactive approach to highlighting
the need to end persecutions, illustrating engaging real-life stories and
positive examples of change through school workshops which provide
?food-for-thought? to inspire young writers creativity. It will challenge them
about what happens when they don?t speak out and what can happen when they do
use their own voice.
We would very
much like you to be part of these activities.
We are hoping
to motivate young people to write and discover poetry by asking them to
imagine, reflect, react as to what it may feel like to be persecuted or
discriminated against because of differences, and what it would be like to live
with little hope of achieving their dreams.
In a few words,
a poem can often sum up a range of experiences and emotions. They can often
help to aid understanding of complex issues. We are hopeful that this
opportunity will mobilise our communities and schools to take real action to
fight persecution; to speak out personally to friends, family members and your
communities while raising funds globally to help fight persecutions in Niger
Delta region of Nigeria and the UK. We would like to encourage our communities
to continue the conversation started by this competition and explore the way that
our simple, everyday actions can ensure a better future for all children.
We have a
poetry pack which includes sample poems and suggested reading in order to
ignite those creative juices!
If you are aged 25 or under and wish to enter the Stepping Stones Nigeria
poetry competition which is open now please click here!
Prizes include getting your poem published and Waterstone?s vouchers, as well
as invitation to prize giving event at The Ashton Memorial, Lancaster.
We have
individual entry forms, along with an entry form for your school /
organisation. The entry fee is ?1.00 per person which will be donated to
Stepping Stones Nigeria all entries to be posted to:
Stepping Stones Nigeria,
24 St Leonard?s House,
St Leonard?s Gate,
Please click on
the LINK below to view and print details of the competition.
Once open, to scroll to next page see small arrow icons on bottom right of page
For further information, please contact
Naomi Foxcroft
Stepping Stones
0845 313 8391
Follow us on
Facebook and @ssnuk and #ssnuk
?Stand up, Stand out, Speak up, Speak Out will motivate young people to
write and discover poetry by asking them to imagine, reflect, react to what it
feels like to be persecuted or discriminated against, and what it would be like
to live with little hope of achieving their dreams. This will provide inspiring
and informative insight into the progress that is being made, and how each of
us can play a part in achieving an end to persecutions within our
lifetime? said Scott, UK Vodafone World of Difference Winner 2012.
Foxcroft, SSN Director says, ?I am very excited that Scott is mobilizing
UK schools and Communities, encouraging children and young people to use their
voices across the Northwest region to take real action to fight persecution
while raising funds globally to help fight persecutions in Niger Delta region
of Nigeria and the UK. I hope that the conversation started by this
competition, others will explore the way that our simple, everyday actions can
ensure a better future for all children.
Article source:
walt what time is it current time a thousand words my sisters keeper kirby sarah palin
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